Monday 28 September 2009

"Who let the... Cows (?!) out?

It's a strange thing at first to see a cow walking down the road towards you. Your first thought maybe, "Who let the cow out?" The answer is, no one let the cow out. There is no 'out' because there is no 'in'. Cows are holy animals and cannot be harmed and definately not killed and eaten!

Here are some lovely buffolows taking a strol in Pondicherry...

Now for some elephants in Mysore...

Monkeys making a bit of a racket. Check out the little baby one!

And Ponys left to wander the streets...

Hope you like these random pictures. I'm sure I'll come across more animals wandering about aimlessly. So if you have space and want to give any a home, let me know and I'll post them over.
One more thing, I've managed to sort out my comments section. So you don't need an account to post a comment. Click on 'comments at the bottom of this blog and type away! Be great to hear from you :)


  1. Hi Ruthie - glad you have sorted out the comments bit. I love the photos in the previous blog. Fantastic colours. You should wear that instead of your jeans when you get home!

  2. .... and we complain about a bit of doggy on the streets - bet its a mess with all those cows wandering around.

    Have a hug from the UK.

  3. I, of course, a newcomer to this blog, but the author does not agree
