Sunday 21 June 2009

Arrival in Chennai

Hey all!
Can I just first say a big thank you for your facebook messages. It's been really nice to read them all. You're such stars!

Now lets move onto what's been happening. The flight to Chennai ran smoothly, apart from the connecting flight was about 2 hours late. Not the end of the world though. At the airport I was hit by a wall of heat, as I got off the plane. Hmmm, could be interesting working when its around the 40s! I quickly got into a taxi and found I had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. Soooo hot! No AC in this car, I'll tell you. After um-ing and ar-ing, I eventually got to the hostel where my colleague was staying. It was nice and had lots of character, but not the newest of buildings. But for the price, it was fine.

Anyway, a few of my first thoughts about India...
- They love to honk there horns. And I mean ALL the time. You're in trafic jam - honk your horn. You're at a red light - honk your horn. The road's clear - guess what? Honk your horn!
- Chat up lines exist even in India. Emma and I were asked when bying SIM cards "are you single and ready to mingle?" Nice.
- They love spicy food. Pretty obviuos, but ou try eating a massive pancake thing with a potatoe curry thing in the middle at 8:30 a.m. I suprised myself though. I quite liked it!

I know it's been a short one, but will update soon. Just wanted you all to know I've arrived safe and am well.

Tootles :)


  1. Glad you arrived safely Ruth!

    Also glad you've finally updated where your blog was - i think that other lady's blog never had so many hits!

    Take care and keep ua updated - i loved reading your Rwanda blog.


  2. Thanks Claire! Will try and keep blog up to date - as long as the Internet connection holds up any way!

  3. big up, u did great job .
    u make me like India.
    take care and keep going on ........
